Soda-fired Green/Blue Apple


Soda-firing is a measured risk/reward proposition. The reward is so sweet when it happens, like in this piece. Movement, color, life.

Handmade ceramic apple with handmade presentation box/stand

Apple height: 3"
Box is 3.5x3.5x3.5"

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Soda-firing is a measured risk/reward proposition. The reward is so sweet when it happens, like in this piece. Movement, color, life.

Handmade ceramic apple with handmade presentation box/stand

Apple height: 3"
Box is 3.5x3.5x3.5"

Soda-firing is a measured risk/reward proposition. The reward is so sweet when it happens, like in this piece. Movement, color, life.

Handmade ceramic apple with handmade presentation box/stand

Apple height: 3"
Box is 3.5x3.5x3.5"